Unlock the Health Benefits of Anti-Gravity Treadmills

Unlock the Health Benefits of Anti-Gravity Treadmills

Unlock the Health Benefits of Anti-Gravity Treadmills

Have you heard of antigravity treadmills? The future has arrived! This technology’s innovative approach is proving extremely impactful in a wide range of use cases, from competitive distance runners with intricate training plans to those recovering from an injury or surgery.

Alter G’s amazing antigravity treadmill offers a way to simulate gravity reduction and its effects on the body without requiring a shuttle into space.

Give Premier Athletic Rehab Center in Miami, FL, a call today to learn more about this incredible technology and whether it could help you in your fitness journey!

What are the benefits of an anti-gravity treadmill?

Different people experience joint pain and wear in different ways. Nonetheless, because joint wear and tear is a universal risk, almost anyone can benefit from this technology by tailoring a specialized plan to fit their needs.

  • Injury Rehabilitation: Joint pain and wear aren’t the only risks. Compound fractures and ligament damage that supports the knees and ankles can keep someone out for an extended period. Working your way back to 100 percent can be difficult, especially if the primary prognosis is to “stay off it.” Extensive rest can weaken muscles in the affected area and throughout the lower body and cardiovascular system. By reducing the adverse effects of gravity on the body, one can remain active without exacerbating the injury and return to form faster than ever before.
  • Surgery Recovery: Regardless of age, those who have had surgery often have a lengthy healing and recovery process—different parts of the body advance at different rates. The ability to customize lower-extremity resistance and increase or decrease intensity as needed can be a huge game-changer for those looking to get back on their feet. The ideal environment for patients can be beneficial in terms of fitness and recovery, as well as providing a safe space to avoid a significant setback due to a potential fall.
  • High-Performance Athletes: In training mode, serious distance runners rack up the miles, posing significant risks of cumulative joint damage. The low gravity environment can help reduce everyday wear and the bad habits of sloppy form that can arise from exhaustion and muscle overexertion. By concentrating on proper form and motion, you can run longer and faster and become race-ready sooner.

What should I expect from the anti-gravity treadmill?

The AlterG Treadmill can help you comfortably restore your normal walking, jogging, running, and moving mechanics by releasing your body’s gravitational pressure. It also encourages strengthening exercises that help to heal damaged tissue and build muscle. All of this adds up to a much safer, faster, and more comfortable recovery than you might have otherwise.

AlterG technology creates a controlled environment in which patients can exercise and heal. This change allows them to return to their favorite activities much sooner than they might have expected. Patients can avoid unwanted risks such as swelling and inflammation, weakened muscles, or even atrophy by returning to physical activity as soon as possible.

Weight, and thus gravity, is the enemy of many joint conditions. Joint conditions can be excruciating and can pave the way for additional problems caused by overuse or adopting a sedentary lifestyle in an attempt to avoid the pain.

Users of the Alter G’s Antigravity Treadmill can still enjoy a rigorous cardiovascular workout and strengthen lower-body muscles without causing joint damage that would occur with “full gravity.”

While in use, this device will reduce the impact of your body weight by 80%. It is a type of treatment that can benefit anyone – athletes, seniors, patients undergoing physical rehabilitation, and so on. It grants much-needed relief that most other treatments simply cannot provide.

How does the anti-gravity treadmill work?

Everyone understands the basics of a treadmill, but the Alter G is unlike any other piece of fitness equipment you’ll find in a typical gym. The device, which uses NASA-patented technology, allows patients and athletes to participate in running or walking workouts by reducing their apparent body weight.

According to the Alter G website,

“AlterG® develops trusted, leading-edge rehab and training equipment using NASA Differential Air Pressure technology. Our Anti-Gravity Treadmill™ technology empowers people to move in new ways and without pain – to recover mobility, improve wellness, and enhance physical performance. AlterG can be found in over 4000 facilities around the world and has helped millions to safely and consistently reach their goals and achieve better outcomes.”

It was initially developed for astronauts who wanted to stay fit while in space; the technology was designed to increase their apparent weight, which is important for astronauts’ bones and muscles. The same technology has now been reverse engineered to reduce the impact of exercise on the joints.

When the user steps into the device, his or her lower body is encased in an airtight chamber with a skirt around the waist. The intensity of the simulated gravitational resistance can then be adjusted, affecting how strenuous the workout is. To create the desired environment, the equipment will change the air pressure in the chamber.

Are you ready to get active without pain again? Contact Premier Athletic Rehab Center today!

Our clinic is committed to developing the most effective physical therapy treatment plan for your specific needs. Following your consultation, your physical therapist will conduct a physical evaluation to determine your problem areas and the best course of action for resolving them. During this time, your physical therapist will assess whether the AlterG Treadmill is appropriate for you.

If you are in pain or discomfort, please contact our office right away to schedule an appointment with one of our Miami, FL physical therapists. We’ll get you started on the road to recovery and long-term relief!


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